

Divisional level Tamil day Competition - 2024

Paddiruppu Education Zone 

Divisional level Tamil Day Competition - 2024






Final Results  M.S.& E.P Division


1) Event No -17


2) Event No -18

3) Event No - 24


4) Event No - 26

5) Event No - 27


 6 ) Event No - 28

7) Event No - 30

8) Event No - 33

9) Event No - 35

10) Event No - 36

11) Event No - 37

12) Event No - 38

13) Event No - 41

14) Event No - 42

15) Event No - 43


16) Event No - 45

17) Event No - 46

18) Event No - 47

19. Event no 

20. Event no 

 21) Event No - 


A Heartfelt Welcome to the New Zonal Director of Education in Paddiruppu Education Zone

with great pleasure that we extend a warm and sincere welcome to Mr. S.Puvanenthiran, the newly appointed Zonal Director of Education  of Paddiruppu Education Zone. Mr. S.Puvanenthiran’s professional journey is a testament to his extreme dedication in the field of education. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Science (BSc) from the Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Furthermore, his pursuit of excellence led him to acquire a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education, a Higher Diploma in Education Management (NIE), and a Master’s degree in Education Planning and Management from IIEP, France. 

before his appointment at Paddiruppu Education Zone, Mr. S. Puvanenthiran held distinguished positions in prominent educational institutions in the Eastern Province. Most notably, he served as the Additional Provincial Director of Education in the Eastern Province. His expertise and leadership were also acknowledged through roles such as SLEAS 1, Zonal Director of Education in Kalmunai zone, and Deputy Director of Education in the Sammanthurai zone.

Once again, a heartfelt welcome to Mr. S.Puvanenthiran Sir , and we eagerly anticipate the transformative journey ahead under your precious guidance.


Online zoom classes for Final Pilot Examination 2024 - e-kalvi charity fund – Australia

Today, (March-25th-2024) the Paddiruppu Education Zone has started online Zoom classes for Class 11 (O/L) students regarding answers to the exams conducted through e-kalvi. This event, held under the leadership of the Zonal Director of Education, Mr. Elango Vinasithampy, was inaugurated by the Secretary of e-kalvi Charity Inc.





15th Progress meeting on improvement of school - March

The 15th Monthly Progress meeting on school improvement for principals in the Paddiruppu Education Zone was held on March 22nd, 2024, at the Conference Hall in PZEOK. Under the leadership of the Zonal Director of Education, Mr. Sivanantham Sritharan, with the participation of the Deputy Directors of Education, Assistant Directors of Education, Coordinators, Principals, ITDLH staff, PDCT staff, and Teacher Advisors, in the meeting.



Annual Transfer Appeals Decisions - 2023 (Teachers)

Transfer Effective Date 01.04.2024 - Paddiruppu Education Zone 


Inauguration Ceremony of the special career guidance programme - MOE

The inauguration ceremony for the special career guidance program for G.C.E.(Advanced Level) students, organized by the Ministry of Education, was held on March 5, 2024, at five centers in the Paddiruppu Education Zone. The events were presided over by the school's principals and were attended by Zonal Education Officers, Skill Development Officer, resource persons and students.



"Personable society with excellent knowledge skills and attitude".


Provide facilities and guidance to implement educational activities efficiently and effectively to all the schools in the Paddiruppu Zone to develop students with balance personality


We have 47 guests and no members online





Visitors Counter
