

Innovation and Creativity - Progress review meeting

Progress review meeting for the principals and staff for this month was held on 12th may 2023 at Conference Hall in Paddiruppu Zonal Education office , The Zonal Director of Education presided at the meeting. Deputy Directors of Education, Accountant , Assistant Directors of Education, Coordinator , School Principals and ISAs attended the Meeting. Each director of education (DDE/ADE) presented their educational development activities and  discussed with principals in which the some issues were immediately resolved . 

Zonal Director of Education in his address, All principals should submit a report as a presentation in the next weeks such as the student achievement levels in your schools and strong action plans to raise the achievement level of the students currently in your schools.

Finally there was a special guest speech. As a special guest Mr.K Parthipan (Assistant Director of Education (Primary) ,Provincial Education Department – Eastern Province) was presented in it . The meeting concluded at 2.30 P.M

 "PZEOK” principal welfare association established in Paddiruppu Educational Zone.


Appointed - Deputy Director Of Education (management)

Mr. M. Nesakajendran (Assistant director of Education / Tamil ) appointed as Duputy Director Of education  (Management). The appointment was given to him by the Zonal Director Of  Education yesterday (04.05.2023).  Deputy Directors Of Education , Assistant Directors Of Education , ISAs & Cordinators presented in this event.                                                       


A random visit to schools

  Random visit to schools (Report) discussed for schools was held under the leadership of the Zonal Director Education at the conference hall yesturday Duputy Directors Of Education ,Cordinators , ISAs, and resource persons were presented in it. 

The Duputy Director Of Education / Assistant Director  Of Education  who led the groups presented their school reports through presentation.The Zonal Director Of Educaton mentioned that the Random visit should be done in order to improve the teaching and learning activities of the students. The event was adjourned at 1.30 p.m. 

Achievers' Day - 2023

The Achievers’ day -2023 of paddiruppu Educational Zone was held on 28th april 2023 from 9.Am onwards at the BT/PD/ Kaluthavalai M.V (National School), Main hall. The awarding ceremony was conducted in two sessions, (morning session and evening session). Miss A. Canagasooriyam (provincial Director Of Education) Dr.Mrs.Chandrakantha Mahenthiranaathan (senior Lecture & Head department of Botany , Eastern University Of Srilanka) were invited as chief guests and the Mrs.Sutharshini Srikanth (Additional Government Agent and Mr V Jivanathan (Rtd Deputy Director Of Education ) were graced the occasion as a guest of honour. 300 students and 200 Teachers from 70 schools in Paddirippu Education Zone were selected for the awarding ceremony. This year the achievers were honored covering 5 years from 2018 to 2022.

Students who had achieved in different fields such as artistic, sports, scholarly, and social science were honoured with valuable Certificate and sheield . Many cultural events were staged by school students.

The event was concluded with the vote of thanks , delivered by Deputy Director Of Education (Education development)  Mr.P.Thivitharan.

Effective principals' Meeting / April & “Quick Response unit” Opening ceremony

The Monthly principal’s progress meeting for this year was held on 19.04.2023 at Conference Hall in Paddiruppu Zonal Education office , Kaluwanchikudy. The Zonal Director of Education presided at the meeting. Deputy Directors of Education, Accountant , Assistant Directors of Education, Coordinator , School Principals and ISAs attended the Meeting and their presented Progress report and Educational activities for next month (plan). The meeting concluded at 12.00 P.M.

 “Quick Response unit” Opening ceremony 

After that, the next event was inauguration ceremony of "Quick Response Unit". Mr A.Manokaran (Retired Additional Provincial Director of Education in Eastern Province) was invited as a special guest for this event. A room was upgraded as “Quick response unit” to effectively improve the administrative activities of principals and teachers (Teacher & Principals can contact (any time) in this unit) . The unit was declared open by him at 12.30 pm.



Grade - one New Admission welcome Ceremony

The grade one new admission welcome ceremony was held at the BT/PD/Periyakallar M.M.T.Girl School recently. Organized by Paddiruppu Education zone. The Children were welcomed by the school society. The Zonal Director of Education , Educational Zone officers, School Principal , teachers, members of the School Development Society, parents and past pupils were present. Grade 2 students performed a range of performances on stage to the new children and their parents. 

We wish the little children all the best and hope they will make padzone proud!!!


"Personable society with excellent knowledge skills and attitude".


Provide facilities and guidance to implement educational activities efficiently and effectively to all the schools in the Paddiruppu Zone to develop students with balance personality


We have 35 guests and no members online





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