Course details

course details

Information & Com Technology Technician

Information & Communication Technology Assistant

Computer application assistant

Computer Application Assistant

Course Containt.
Basic Of Computer
Ms Word
Ms Excel
Ms power point
Ms Access
Internet & e-mails

Computer Graphic Designer

Certificate in Graphics & Multimedia
(Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Audacity, and Windows Movie Maker)

Course Outline & Modules ITDLH - Paddiruppu


Module - 1 ( Investigates Multimedia Technology)
   1. Introduction to Multimedia technology
   2. Explores fundamentals of graphics – Pixel, Resolution, Size , Color, Bit depth, PPI, DPI
   3. Color models – RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Bitmap
   4. Identifies different graphics file formats –JPEG, GIF, BMP etc.
   5. Graphic compression - Lossy compression, Lossless compression
   6. Graphic types – Raster, Vector

Module - 2 (Identifies the graphic editing Software )
   1. Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
   2. Start the application & create Photoshop file
   3. Explores the tools – Move tool, Lasso tool, Zoom too, Magic wand tool, Gradient tool, Dodge tool, Burn tool, Healing brush too, Patch tool, Clone        Stamp tool etc.

Module - 3 ( Uses layers in image editing)
   1. Uses layers in image editing
   2. Module - 4 (Uses graphic tools to create and edit still images )
   3. Basic editing tools and image enhancing tools – Transform tools, Adjustment with Levels, Curves, Color balance, Brightness & Contrast etc
       Use Filters
   4. Understands file formats and Save options
   5. 2D Animation – Adobe Flash

Module - 5 ( Uses layers in image editing, Timeline, Key frames )
   1. Uses layers in image editing
   2. Explores Timeline, Frames such as Key frame, Blank Frame

Module - 6 (Uses tools to create animations)
   1. Introduction to types animation - Motion Tween, Shape Tween, Frame by Frame, Motion Guide animation etc
   2. Use methods of Onion skin and Easing with animation
   3. Animation file types

Module - 7 (Uses advanced animation techniques)
   1. Insert sound, video clips
   2. Introduction to Scripting
   3. Audio Recording And Sound Editing - Audacity

Module - 8 (Identifies the tools in Audio Recording And Sound Editing software)
   1. Introduction to Audacity
   2. Identify features of Audacity
   3. Explores the Audacity application interface
   4. Start the application & create Audacity file
   5. Explores the tools – Selection Tool, Envelope tool, Draw Tool, Time Shift Tool, Multi tool etc

Module - 9 (Uses tools to edit a sound file)
   1. Using audio control buttons
   2. Record audio in Audacity
   3. mport audio files into Audacity
   4. How to remove noise from audio
   5. How to extract a selection from audio
   6. How to amplify an audio selection
   7. Understand Audio formats

Module - 10 (Adds effects to a sound file)
   1. Explore Effects menu – Bass Boost, Changing Pitch, Change speed, Change tempo, Echo, Equalization, fade in, Fade out, Noise removal etc
   2. Importing and combining tracks and Exporting (saving)
   3. Use Lame encoder (Plugins) to convert to MP3 format
   4. Video Editing – Windows Movie Maker

Module - 11 (Identifies the tools in Video Editing software)
   1. Introduction to Windows Movie Maker
   2. Explores the Windows Movie Maker application interface
   3. Start the application & create Windows Movie Maker file
   4. Explores the tools – Preview Monitor, Story Board, Editing Panel, Playback controls, Spilt clips etc

Module - 12 (Uses tools to edit a video file)
   1. Import video file and add Title
   2. Insert Video Transitions
   3. Insert visual effects
   4. How to add audio as background music
   5. Adding animations
   6. Adjust video length using trimming
   7. Adding Credits
   8. Video rendering - process of finalizing a video file from different elements that include edited video files and special effects

web developer

Certificate in Web Design & Development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript,Bootstrap ,PHP, MySQL)


Responsive Web Design (RWD) & Development
(HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/JavaScript/ Photoshop/ PHP/MySQL)


  • Course Duration : 120 Hours (Theory 43 – Practical 77
  • Software Used   : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript or JQuery , PHP & MySQL
  • Assesment Criteria :
  • Target group     : Students who have done ICT at O/L and AL, teachers
  • Course Fee       :


Course Outline & Modules - PADDIRUPPU ITDLH

Module - 1 (Introduction to Responsive Web design & web development)
     1. Introduction to Responsive Web design & web development.
     2. Introduction to Internet and describe services offered by Internet.
     3. Explain WWW, HTTTP , URL, domain, IP address
     4. Static Dynamic Website
     5. How Web Work?
     6. Website Designing Tools
     7. IDE vs. Code Editor

Module - 2 (HTML)
    1. HTML Syntax.
    2. Basic Structure ( Head and Body Section).
    3. HTML Tags
    4. HTML Elements
    5. HTML Attributes
    6. HTML Typography
    7. Commenting in HTML

Module - 3 (HTML)
   1. HTML Lists
   2. HTML Table.
   3. Table Head and Body Contents
   4. Table Caption.
   5. Attributes of Table.
   6. Table Row and Column.

Module - 4 (HTML)
   1. Introduction to HTML Form.
   2. From Elements.
   3. Input Types and Attributes
   4. Form Validations.
   5. GET vs. POST Method.
   6. Form Arrangement (Fielded).

Module - 5 (HTML)
   1. HTML Media Elements.
   2. Different Types of Images.
   3. Audio and Video Controlling.
   4. Iframe in HTML.
   5. Embedded Video from YouTube

Module - 6 (CSS)
   1. Introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).
   2. CSS Rule set.
   3. How to Link CSS.
   4. Inline, Internal, External .

Module - 7 (CSS)
   1. CSS Box Model.
   2. Margin, Padding, Border.
   3. Different Box Model Properties.
   4. Floats,Positioning.

Module - 8 (CSS)
   1. Creating Menu in CSS.
   2. Styling Text.
   3. Styling fonts and icons.
   4. Input box Styling.

Module - 9 (CSS)
   1. Introduction to lovable CSS Properties.
   2. Border and Rounded Corners.
   3. Working With Background.
   4. Gradient and Shadow.
   5. Transition and Transformation.
   6. CSS Animation.

Module - 10 (Bootstrap)
   1. Introduction to Bootstrap Framework. (BS).
   2. How to Install BS.
   3. BS Grid System.
   4. Understanding Device Screen Size.
   5. BS Typography.

Module - 11 (Bootstrap)
   1. BS Table.
   2. BS Form.
   3. BS Navigation.
   4. BS Button.
   5. BS Pagination.
   6. BS Image Responsive.
   7. BS Card.

Module - 12 (Bootstrap)
   1. BS Carousel.
   2. BS Accordion.
   3. BS Modal.
   4. BS Tab and Tooltip.

Module - 13 (Introduction to Adobe Photoshop)
   1. Getting acquaninted with tools of Photoshop for Web Design
   2. Understand Tools.
   3. How to use Adobe Photoshop to edit images for Web .
   4. Understand color modes in Photoshop and File Types .
   5. Understand layer order
   6. Edit & save with various file formats for Webs.

Module - 14 (JavaScript)
   1. Introduction to JavaScript.(JS)
   2. JavaScript Syntax
   3. JavaScript Comments
   4. JavaScript Variables
   5. JavaScript Data Types
   6. JavaScript Operators
   7. JavaScript If-else
   8. JavaScript Switch
   9. JavaScript Loop
   10. JavaScript Function
   11. JavaScript Objects

Module - 15 (JavaScript)
   1. JavaScript Array
   2. JavaScript Array Methods
   3. JavaScript Boolean
   4. JavaScript Math Object
   5. JavaScript Number
   6. JavaScript String
   7. JavaScript Date
   8. JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
   9. getElementById() method
   10. getElementsByName() method
   11. getElementsByTagName() method
   12. JavaScript innerHTML
   13. JavaScript innerText
   14. JavaScript Events
   15. JavaScript form validation

Module - 16 (Introduction to PHP and MySQL)
   1. What is Server Side Scripting.
   2. Introduction to PHP and MySQL.
   3. Installing XAMPP in Localhost. Working with PHP syntax.
   4. PHP Syntax
   5. PHP Comments
   6. PHP Variable
   7. PHP Echo

Module - 17 (PHP)
   1. PHP Data Types
   2. PHP Operators
   3. PHP if...else...elseif Statements
   4. PHP Loops
   5. PHP Functions
   6. PHP Arrays

Module - 18 (PHP)
   1. PHP Form Handling
   2. Handling Html Form with Php
   3. PHP Form Validation
   4. PHP Cookies
   5. PHP Sessions
   6. Database Connectivity with MySql

Module - 19 (MySQL)
   1. Basic SQL Statements
   2. Creating MySQL Database
   3. MySQL Connect
   4. Design a form with inputs elements
   5. Insert and Save data into database
   6. Design Table , Retrieve data and display on Table

Module - 20 (MySQL)
   1. MySQL Select Data
   2. MySQL Where
   3. MySQL Order By
   4. MySQL AND , OR, NOT
   5. MySQL Delete Data
   6. MySQL Update Data
   7. MySQL Like

Module - 21 (Introduction to Content Management System (CMS))
   1. What is CMS?
   2. Introduction to Wordpress for Quick Web Authoring.
   3. Creating Database for WP.
   4. Installing WP
   5. Overview of WP Elements
   6. Understanding the WP Dashboard
   7. Pages, Tags, Menu, Media and Content
   8. Core WP Settings
   9. Finding and Installing WP Theme and Plugins

Module - 22 (Web Hosting and Domain Registration)
   1. Domain Registration and Hosting?
   2. Upload Website
   3. Introduction to cPanel.
   4. Explores the cPanel.
   5. Hands on experience with File manager, phpMyAdmin and MySQL database



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