Awarding Ceremony-2023 The best school anthem & Drill display competition-2023

     The prize-giving ceremony organized by the Paddiruppu Education Zone was held at Paddiruppu Madhya Maha Vidyalaya (N.S) on December 26, 2023 at 2.30 pm, under the leadership of the Zonal Director of Eduction. The event was graced by Mr.Dr.S.Amalanathan (Retired SLAS Special Grade officer) as the chief guest, Mr.S.Sridharan - ADE (Aesthetic Provincial Department of Education) as the guest of honor, Ms.Ajantha Selvarajah (development officer) as a special guest. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by T.Ethayakumar-ADE (phycial Education) at 6.30 pm.

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