Workshop on building positive character traits based on Human Values

The workshop on “Building positive character traits based on human values" for the Acadamic staff  (Paddiruppu zone) organized by the Zonal Director Of Education was held on 3rd .MARCH .2023 at  the Assembly hall (Kaluthavalai M.V). Swami Surachdananda Jee Maharaj (Assistant Manager - Ramakrishna Mission Batticaloa ) was the chief guest of the event. Mr.G.Vinayagamoorthy (coordinator- Institute of Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Excellence – Srilanka) , Mr N.Puvanendran (founder of Sathya Sai Institute for Human Excellence – Srilanka), and Mr. Mr. S.Vivekanandan (Medical Officer Of Health - Vellaveli Division) were participated as a resource persons in the workshop.
  Finally Swami Surachdananda Jee Maharaj issued certificates and blessings to the participants of this event .The event was over with the vote of thanks, delivered by Mr. P.Thivitharan (Duputy Director Of Education – Paddirppu Education Zone). Mr. Sivanantham Sritharan (Zonal Director Of Education) has appreciated everyone who supported to make this event a success.











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