launching magazine "SHALARAM" Volume - 01

Paddiruppu education zone celebrates its 25th ANNIVERSARY SILVER JUBILEE COMMEMORATIVE CELEBRATION in this year with multiple events held throughout to mark the occasion.

     The launching ceremony of the Magazine ‘SHALARAM’ Volume - 01 published by the Paddiruppu Education Zone was held on 4th.October.2023 at 2.30 pm in the Conference Hall of BT/Pd/Paddiruppu National School. Under the guidance of The Zonal director of Education Mr.S.Sritharan.  Manager, Ramakrishna Mission, Batticaloa Swami Neelamathavananthar graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Mrs.Thilakavathi Harithas (Ret.Principal) was invited the occasion as a guest of honour. Deputy Director of Education, Assistant Director of Education , ISAs , Principals , ITDLH Staffs , Teachers, staff members, Artists, and writers participated in this event. The Magazine covered many topics, related to education such as article and poetry. The chief editor of this magazine was Mr. Mr.N Neshakajenthiran, who served as Assistant Director of Education(Education Management) Layout and graphics were made by Mr.S.Umachandran. 

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